Kathryn Alexander, known among her friends as Katy, has resided in Santa Fe, NM for over 28 years. As a mother of two full grown children, her deepest sense of connection with herself is often found in their presence and during moments of creative immersion. Kathryn finds her greatest joy enveloped in the act of painting or in the contemplation of the intricate details of natural phenomena, which invariably find expression on her canvases, whether consciously or subconsciously. She holds a belief in the healing and transformative power of art and endeavors for others to experience the emancipation of their own hearts through the visual narratives woven by texture and color.
In her formative years, Kathryn received training in classical piano and has perpetually sensed a profound interplay between art and music within her soul. She perceives both as emanating from the same intrinsic source residing deep within the core of every individual. This recognition, she asserts, unveils a fundamental understanding of one's essence.
Kathryn maintains that every individual harbors an innate artistic capacity, albeit obscured by societal pressures and apprehensions. She advocates for shedding societal masks, urging individuals to reclaim their creative essence, regardless of external scrutiny.